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From: user 2.
Sent on: Thursday, November 4, 2010, 7:34 AM
Hi writer friends!

Well, I have a signed agreement from an agent. It is for three years, and he has rights to represent all of my work during this time. Yes, I know that this not a book deal but only a step, a major one, to get to where I want to go. I did ask him about my other novels that I've written. I, of course, told him that I was dedicated to DTB, but I wanted to know, before we locked ourselves together, if he would consider my third novel, which is ready to go.

He said yes, then added that the fiction market is so demanding right now, as they are only interested in "high concept" stories. He did say that it would be easier to place my other work, if and when, we get DTB published. My agent has been around for decades and lives a short train ride for NY, NY.

I try not to get to far ahead of myself as in excited. But, I do imagine the book-signing-deal party I'm going to have. <big-ass grin>

His editor, Did I mention this?, without charge, gave me a three page, single-spaced critique. Lots of kudos and lots of great suggestions for changes. That is what I'm working on now. But, first he wants me to write a story description which proved very difficult. He did not like my first attempt that you saw. We should practice story descriptions in our groups! He also asked for three chapters that were not consecutive, so. as to demonstrate to publishers, my ability to tell (show) a cohesive story. 

That's about it. He said that it is okay to revise, as he seeks a publisher. This what I'm doing now for at least three a day during the weekdays and about eight to ten hours during the weekend. Needless to say, I'm a pretty boring guy. Good thing my GF is understanding!

Well, got to get to work. Have a great Thanksgiving!   

 Best regards,

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