O que melhor nos representa
A call to all those who:
- Feel they are spiritual beings and are looking to meet like-minded people that want to become better human beings and to contribute to a better world, as well as integrating spirituality in their daily lives;
- Are willing to unveil their true essence, beauty and power, letting go of limiting beliefs, and embracing their full potential to create the life they want;
- Want to heal themselves in a holistic, broad and deep way, as well as extend the effects of that healing to others...
If the above reflects who you are, then this will be a great group for you! This group is going to help you to do all this in a fun and caring way. And I look forward to meeting you soon.
If you feel this is your vibe, then... join this tribe! :)
Um apelo a todos aqueles que:
- Se sentem como seres espirituais e procuram encontrar pessoas com a mesma mentalidade, que queiram tornar-se melhores seres humanos e contribuir para um mundo melhor, bem como integrar a espiritualidade na sua vida diária;
- Estão dispostos a desvendar a sua verdadeira essência, beleza e poder, deixando de lado as crenças limitadoras e abraçando todo o seu potencial para criar a vida que desejam;
- Querem curar-se de uma forma holística, abrangente e profunda, bem como estender os efeitos dessa cura aos outros ...
Se a descrição acima o reflecte, então este é um óptimo grupo para si! Este grupo vai ajudá-lo a fazer tudo isso de uma forma divertida e amável. Espero conhecê-lo em breve.
Se sente que esta é a sua "vibe", então... junte-se a esta tribo! :)
Próximos eventos (3)
Ver todos- Dancing 12 transformational books (Biodanza classes and retreat)Precisa de local
Dear members,
I hope you are well and that your 2025 has started with a lot of love, peace, health and abundance of all the good things. :)
To enhance your year and your life even more, I bring you a wonderful event. Well, actually, they are 9 events because we are talking about 8 classes of biodanza + 1 retreat where you will be dancing 12 transformational books.
If you are not familiar with biodanza, here is a definition:
"Biodanza (a neologism jointed the Greek bio [life] and the Spanish danza, literally "the dance of life") is a system of self-development using music, movement and positive feelings to deepen self-awareness. It seeks to promote the ability to make a holistic link to oneself and one's emotions and to express them. Practitioners believe that Biodanza opens the space for one to deepen the bonds with others and nature and to express those feelings in a congenial manner."
A friend of mine, Ana Teresa, who is a wonderful journalist, writer and biodanza teacher is starting this new program called "Dancing great books".
"Each class will will be a living experience, offering the participants the opportunity to feel the teachings of these books come to life in their bodies. Through dynamic group and partnership exercises, the classes will explore key themes like love, resilience, manifestation and creativity, at the same time that they promote a deep connection with others and with yourself."
All the 12 books and all the information can be read here:
Dançando Grandes LivrosThe first class will start on 14th of March in Algés, Lisboa, from 19:30-22.
Please find the full program below - dates:
- First 8 books
14, 21 and 28 March;
4 and 11 April;
9 and 30 May;
6 June
(changes may occur)- The last 4 books will be danced in a retreat in the Summer: 21 to 25 July
Enrolment is necessary and should be done in the provided link above.
I hope you enjoy and you have a wonderful time dancing with Ana Teresa and the other participants.
Wisdom, Love and Power to You!
- Essene and Egyptian Therapies Course - starting April 2025 - Please enrol nowQuinta do Pouchão, Abrantes
Greetings to all!
I am very happy to be able to bring this Course to your knowledge.
As promised, here is the information on the Essene and Egyptian Therapies Course that will start on April 23rd 2025,in Portugal, in a beautiful retreat place, in the middle of nature, like the Essenes used to live.
The course will have 2 more retreats/learning sessions in 2025, with a total of 3 retreats, and the same for 2026 and half of 2027, since the full course is 2,5 years.
For those of you who don't know who the Essenes were, they were a mystic Jewish group during the Second Temple period that flourished from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century. They numbered around four thousand, and resided in various settlements throughout Judaea. They possessed no money or property, they were pious and were believers in communality and commitment to a strict observance of Sabbath. They ritually immersed in water every morning, ate together after prayer, devoted themselves to charity and benevolence, forbade the expression of anger, studied the books of the elders, preserved secrets, and were very mindful of the names of the angels kept in their sacred writings.
The Essenes have gained fame in modern times as a result of the discovery of an extensive group of religious documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are commonly believed to be the Essenes' library. The scrolls were found at Qumran, an archaeological site situated along the north-western shore of the Dead Sea, believed to have been the dwelling place of an Essene community.
About the Egyptians, I believe they don't need any introduction, since everyone is aware of this great civilization.
If you want to know more about this amazing therapy that uses Divine energy and many techniques, together with essential oils, you can visit this website: Egyptian-Essenian Therapies | Daniel Meurois. Daniel speaks about how he has channelled from the Seraphim this beautiful therapy for the benefit of all, and it is now possible for you to learn and practice it.There are very limited vacancies because this is not a course for everyone but for those with a deep connection with these teachings. The teacher will intuitively know if you are the right person to do the course or not and she will tell you. Due to the very limited amount of vacancies, the sooner you enrol, the better.
You can find more information on the link below:
Terapeuta Essene-Egípcio Certificado | Lisboa | ITTEEAfter you contact the Essene and Egyptian Therapist Ana Paula Bruére, also a registered nurse, Reiki Master and certified therapist in many different areas, she will let you know all the details for payment and material you need for the course. The material is not much but the students will need to wear appropriate clothes for the course and that will be the closest to what the Essenes wore: white or beije colour, and made of cotton, linen or wool. The other few materials will also be informed.
If you feel a strong connection with the Essenes, Jesus/Yeshua, Mary/Miriam or Mary Magdalene or the Egyptian civilization, maybe this course is for you.
I hope we can all meet in the retreat place and share this beautiful and special healing.
Wisdom, Love and Power to you!
- Sacred Journeys - South of France - Mary Magdalene, The Holy Grail, TemplarsPrecisa de local
Dear members,
I bring you another very special experience that is very dear to my heart - Sacred Journeys, where you will travel to spiritual sites. Please hear the description of the project below, by my friend Ana Teresa:
"The Sacred Journeys project begins in May with a trip to the South of France for men and women seeking moments of inner reflection, spiritual growth, and connection with the sacred energies of mystical places.
> From May 16th to 23rd, we will explore sacred sites associated with Mary Magdalene, the esoteric traditions of the Cathars, the mysteries of the Holy Grail, and the secrets of the Knights Templar.
Participants will engage in guided meditations, energy activations, and daily adventures—whether it’s a quiet moment of reflection at a secluded chapel, a hike through the verdant countryside to a hidden grotto, or meaningful conversations shared over meals.
At its core, the Sacred Journeys project is a personal pilgrimage of the heart. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or newly embarking on your path, this journey promises to enrich your life with profound experiences and connections. As you traverse the enchanting landscapes of Southern France, you will find yourself surrounded by history, legend, and breathtaking beauty. Each day offers new opportunities for discovery, both within and around you, allowing your spirit to awaken and transform.
The friendships you form with fellow travelers will add a sense of community and shared purpose to the experience. Together, you will explore ancient wisdom, unlocking secrets whispered through the ages. This pilgrimage is not just a journey through sacred sites—it’s a journey into the heart of your own spiritual essence.
As you prepare to embark on this adventure, know that you are stepping into a world of magic and mystery. Allow yourself to be open to the wonders that await, and trust in the transformative power of this sacred land. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing this extraordinary experience with you.
Let the journey begin!"
So, did you like it? I absolutely adore it and would love to join but I will be involved in other projects this year, but Ana Teresa told me we will participate in something together in the future.
To enrol, please visit this link where you can consult all the information: Sacred Journeys - South of France. Until 22nd of Fenruary you get early bird prices.
Enjoy the ride to sacredness.
Wisdom, Love and Power to You!