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Re: [pxandpints] Wordcamp: Call for Speakers - "Designing Information-Rich Solutions" from The Information Artichoke?

From: Martin S.
Sent on: Thursday, May 14, 2015, 10:44 AM

The Information Artichoke here! 


I'm a long-time designer of information-rich collaborative solutions , currently coaching and developing materials. Interesting timing, as I have just finished a slide deck on designing information rich solutions which I can offer in a 30 -35 minute presentation.  It is quite practical and definitely aligned with content strategy.  It starts like this:




Learning Goal
 – how to design information rich solutions with confidence
 – richly connected information ecosystem needs new skills
 - complexity increased, basic skills don’t scale
– unicorns who need a longer horn
- OK at handling sites with 5-50 pages, stretched at 500, anxious at 5000, freaked at 50,000



Understand Information
- information has a surface realization and an underlying structure
- learn to work with the underlying structure as a design tool


Understand Users
- users have goals, experiences, and opinions
- learn to work with user goals and experiences as a design tool


I would be happy to do this for you.


For more info, take a look at, particularly the section "Skills for Practitioners".





Martin Stares
[address removed]



From: "Tony Grimes" <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, May 13,[masked]:06:54 PM
Subject: [pxandpints] Wordcamp: Call for Speakers

Hey guys,

Wordcamp needs some replacement presenters and panelists for next week (Saturday the 23rd). Email [address removed] if you would like to throw your hat in the ring for one or the following:
  1. A 30-35 minute presentation on content strategy OR the new Wordpress RESTful API (or REST in general) OR an introduction to developing with WP using Git.
  2. A Panelist for "Life As a WordPress Professional".
  3. A Panelist for "Things You Hate About Wordpress".
Fame and glory will follow for successful submissions.


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