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Re: [pysthlm] Pysthlm needs your support!

From: Peppe B.
Sent on: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 2:00 PM
I'm more than happy to donate! This group and all the awesome people I meet are worth quite a lot to me.

Let's just hope that finally solves this thing with international payments to ease this kind of things =)

Cheers and keep on truckin'!

Ps. shameless plug, I just released an API for SVT Play, built with Django, PyQuery and Tastypie (and more;-), It's in alpha state btw, so take it easy;-)

Peppe Bergqvist

On Thursday, 14, February, 2013 at 13:50 , Tome Cvitan wrote:

Dear pythonistas,

Bring out your credit cards.

Jokes aside, this group has grown quite a lot since we moved to Meetup almost 2 years ago, which is awesome! Meetup is a great tool which takes away a lot of the tedious work with handling attendees, waiting lists and a lot of other things.

Now you might not know this, but is not a free service, the price is $144/year. I have been paying these dues myself (around 1600kr so far), but I think it would make more sense that we all share it, don't you?

Also, I would like us to make more stickers and other things and even have a small reserve for situations like a meetup where the host is not able to provide food and drinks, or other things. Considering that we are so many members now, even a small donation from each one of you would mean a lot.

We could of course let a company sponsor the fees, but I kind of like the idea of being independent and with this member amount it doesn't require much from each member.

How it works
On the meetup page in the left column menu you will find "Donations". Click the "1.00 EUR or more" link to reach the donation page. The money will go to my personal paypal account, there was no other way to set it up. You will all be able to see how much has been donated as tracks this and it's available to all members to see.

Let me know if you have nay questions or comments on this.


// Tome

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