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Invite to IRC meeting about upcoming Saltstack Lab

From: Claes S.
Sent on: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 11:12 PM
Hello Pythonistas!

On the Coffeeshop meetup 27:th November about Saltstack, we decided that
we would try to have a Lab/Workshop were we try out Saltstack.

We have decided that we will have that Lab Meetup 6:th Mars and people
who are interested to participate, could join us at
irc://freenode/pysth­lm next Thursday (21:th) at 20:00.

The plan is to have a short intro and after that do some hands on
together. There is a draft in a Google Doc­ about a
scenario and things to prepare before the Lab/Workshop.

So join us on irc://freenode/pysth­lm next Thursday 20:00 if you are
interested to participate.

And of course you are always welcome anytime to our IRC channel!

/Claes Ström

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