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need a new job board solution

From: Doug H.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 2:16 PM
Hi, folks,

It seems that sometime recently changed the configuration of their spam filters, and now some of the recruiters we’ve invited to post details to the discussion board are being marked as spam. The meetup folks have indicated that there is no way to configure the board differently to either allow us to approve individual posts or to "dial back” the checks in place, so I think if we want to keep having a job board we’re going to have to find another tool.

I’ve had pretty good luck with google discussion groups, so that’s my default suggestion but before I set one up I thought I would ask if anyone else has had good luck with a simple tool we could use for this or has other suggestions for how to handle job listings. If we’re going to have to maintain it a bit more actively, I would also be happy to have a couple of volunteers to take that on.


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