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Thank you for voting!

From: Paul
Sent on: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 11:48 AM
Hi Everyone:

I would just like to take this time to thank everyone for their enthusiasm with our group and for taking the time to vote on the subject to be presented this Saturday by Emily Shaules!

The subject for Emily's presentation will be:
Overcoming plateaus in diet and life

Not only did that subject win on the poll by a whopping 38% of the vote, but it also happens to be Emily's favorite subject to speak on!

I had the good fortune of meeting her in person at Raw Spirit last weekend. And I would like to add that she is very happy and excited to be visiting you all!

Raw Spirit 2009 was truly an inspiration! If you missed this one, there are more in the making! I was happy and deeply moved to learn that several tribes of Native Americans will be choosing the raw vegan lifestyle to reclaim their health and well being!

I am so excited about our potluck this Saturday, seeing Emily Shaule's presentation, and having a great time with you!

Paul:)Emily Shaules Presentation!