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Re: [walkers-326] member dismissal

From: AJ
Sent on: Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 5:26 PM
Rustler's Roost on West Henrietta Road, Rt 15, near Lehigh station road, has 1-hr line dancing lessons Monday-Friday at 7:30 each night for $5.00.  Beginner nights are Mon and Wed.
It's a blast

Keith <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey AJ...  where is the line dancing?    I used to do that in college, and being single again, it might be fun...    Drop me a note...
----- Original Message -----
From: AJ
Sent: Wednesday, May 30,[masked]:22 AM
Subject: Re: [walkers-326] member dismissal

At first I thought you said, you removed "all" rogue hikers from the group...Gulp. Technically I'm part of that group.
Sorry to hear the trouble you have had.  I have been just reading all the emails..been busy lately.
Line dancing tonight...95% female.  Actually it will be up one male, my friend Ed wants to see this place (he's originally from Michigan) so he is going with us. 
Take care,

Kurt Herold <[address removed]> wrote:
A special announcement from Kurt Herold, Organizer of The Rochester Hiking Meetup Group

I want to forward this to you all. I removed rogue hikers form the group..... now I know where she got that name from...... LOL

The Organizer of this g roup has just removed you from the group.
After discussion with other meetup organizers, and members
feedback that have seen your actions in other meetup groups I
have decided to remove you from our members list.
Aparently your actions in the past have not been favorable to
the progress of meetup and I have been told you are normally
acting on your own agenda and are somewhat not open to
suggestions or input from others.
I dont like to do this, but I am not ready to have this group
spinning its wheels and not making forward progress.

I wish you and your group good fortune in the future.

Kurt Herold

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