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Re: [walkers-326] summer meetup suggestions requested

From: Alanna
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2007, 12:56 PM
Hi everyone!  I love all these hiking ideas but unfortunately don't have weekends off.  Anyone else with this problem?  Maybe there could be a weekday hike some time?  I have Wed and Thurs off usually.  I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.............

(I did part of the Finger Lakes Trail yesterday in Letchworth Park, on the South Side.  We walked for a while along the gorge, but on the opposite side of most of the crowd.  It was pretty nice and gradual.  I recommend it!)

- Alanna  :)

On 6/20/07, Kurt Herold <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello everyone..... I hope you all are enjoying a decent prelude to summer so far. smile
I am looking forward to some lengthier hikes in the upcoming months and am taking any suggestions for hiking and biking now for the months of august and September.
If there is anyone who would like to be part of a weekend hike in the high peaks please step forward and help with this if you have been there. I am pretty sure at least 4 of you have been there before and would know the best times and weather to go there to miss the bugs. I assume we will need lodging or camp also overnight. I am up for camping if there is others.
I would also get a hike for the younger and even grandkids. We will keep it short and maybe explore a pond or a stream to keep them occupied. Perhaps powder mills park and the fish hatchery for this one???? They can get handfuls of fish pellets and feed the swirling trout just arms reach away.

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