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Re: [walkers-326] summer meetup suggestions requested

From: user 3.
Sent on: Friday, June 22, 2007, 7:39 PM
I wouldn't be able to take any extra days off for a trip to the high  
peaks this summer as my days off are already set for the summer(and I  
will be in the High Peaks the week of July 4th w/ my 2 kids  
anyways)...but I have done some of the High Peaks and would be more  
than happy to give you some ideas....Keep in mind, the High Peaks  
region can be about a 6-7 hour drive from least three  
days would be needed for this trip....if you want you can hike in from  
the Adirondack Loj and make a base camp @ Marcy Dam (about a 2 mile  
hike in)....because of environmental restrictions, only 8 to a site  
are allowed...if more than 8 go, you'd have to make 2 different  
campsites.....there are some lean-tos you can use, or you would have  
to bring a tent.....from there you can pick one of a couple of the  
high peaks and make a day out of it....Mt Marcy, Algonquin, etc....for  
those who don't think they want to do the high peaks, but want to join  
the trip....Mt Joe can be reached from the Adirondack Loj, it's not  
above the treeline...not a grueling hike ( I believe just over a  
mile)....but the view from it is certainly beautiful and worth the  
hike!....If you would rather camp at a local campgrounds and then  
tackle one of the High Peaks....Buck Pond is a great, secluded, quiet  
campgrounds (about 30 minutes away from the Adirondak Loj on the other  
side of Saranac Lake).....the sites are beautiful, there's canoe  
rentals for the day, a sandy beach, a great place to rest up after a  
potentially grueling hike up one of the high peaks.  Plan on about an  
8 hour day for a High Peaks climb.....depending on how long you linger  
at the summit....
As for locally....there's a nice long hike on the east side of  
Letchworth Park (doing this in the Fall would allow us to experience  
the Fall Foliage)....hike for the day then eat dinner at that  
restaurant at the south end of Letchworth (the name escapes me right  
now).....canoe/kayak­ trips along the canal would also be fun(there are  
a couple of canoe rentals along the canal)....... Chimney Bluffs is a  
fun hike (and on the way back there are a couple of cute, little  
wineries to stop at) trip along the canal....There are many  
nice hikes close to wineries in the Finger Lakes area (hike in the  
morning then go wine-tasting in the afternoon?...yes I like  
wine!)...well enough of my rambling thoughts......Terri