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Re: [walkers-326] summer meetup suggestions requested

From: Edward Rich-Dare I.
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2007, 8:41 PM
Lo A
I dont KNOW you, or can promise all the time
but once a week or every other week is good for me
Im very fit, but need more outdoors,  like skating even
I can do mapquest for trails and directions, and Im pretty prompt
So, lemme know

Alanna Dolen <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi everyone!  I love all these hiking ideas but unfortunately don't have weekends off.  Anyone else with this problem?  Maybe there could be a weekday hike some time?  I have Wed and Thurs off usually.  I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.............

(I did part of the Finger Lakes Trail yesterday in Letchworth Park, on the South Side.  We walked for a while along the gorge, but on the opposite side of most of the crowd.  It was pretty nice and gradual.  I recommend it!)

- Alanna  :)

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