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О нас

This is a free online event. We will send the link to the event to those who signed up on MeetUp and RSVP

The aim is to create a community of adults who want to share what's happening in their lives as a way of offloading and processing life challenges while receiving support.

The greatest untapped assets in developing healthy people and communities are the people themselves. Group work is a great way to encourage people to interact well with each other and to give something back to the system.

Sessions revolve around stress management/self-regulation, and the aim is to help people find healthy coping mechanisms for the stressors in their lives. We all need to accept some stress in our daily lives, but it can sometimes take over other healthy emotions and become overwhelming.

I am a stress management-mindfulness therapist, mindset coach, and mental health social worker by background but the sessions are not about me and my qualifications, it's all about you!!!

Meet-up info:

Cost: Free

Donations-It's up to you! should you deem it necessary to support the community members and its organizers please use the following link:
http://paypal.me/aboncordo (copy and paste link on browser and log in with your paypal account)

Duration; Up to 90 minutes
For enquiries, please drop a line on the Meetup page or send a private message to support@mentalhealthcoaching.org
I also deliver 1-2-1 online sessions. Please drop me an email to discuss, prices, structure and delivery mode.

***Please, try to be in time for the start of the lesson
Sensitive subject area 
Sensitive Subject Area: The group sessions are delivered by an experienced and trained therapist, but they are not specifically designed to treat mental health problems and this is not a therapy or support group. Please do join this course only if you feel it is safe to do so. It is best to check with your GP or therapist if you feel you need mental health support. My aim is to keep everyone safe. If you are unsure about anything, please contact me to discuss it***

Need support? Join "The Growth Mindset community"! Take a look at My Services**.**
Website: mentalhealthcoaching.org
Tony De Palmas, Mental Health Social Worker. Stress Management Therapist. Health and Mindset Coach, United Kingdom. support@mentalhealthcoaching.org - (0044) 07852734126
WhatsApp group-Join a community of like-minded people on 07852734126

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