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О нас

To sign up for this group your partner or spouse must have an Autistic or neurodiverse profile. Meeting up and sharing with others in the same situation is a helpful and validating experience. Most of us arrive here having spent a long time feeling as though we are the only ones going through this experience.

Most often, we're in relationships with people we love dearly but the unique frustrations of being in a relationship with someone affected by Autism (Asperger's Syndrome) is only understood by others in the same situation. It really is a hidden world that we share!

Our hope is that this "self-help" group will come to be a sanctuary, where we can share honestly and openly, trusting that those in the group agree to complete confidentiality within it.

This group is here to provide peer support, encouragement and friendship as we negotiate the peaks and troughs of neurotypical/autistic relationships together, however, it is not intended to be a substitute for informed professional diagnosis, therapy or advice and the member is responsible for their own actions. If you need medical help or diagnosis, please do not hesitate to contact your own health care provider such as your General Practitioner, who can refer you to a specialist in the appropriate area.

Any material on this portal or any personal or group discussion should not be construed as constituting advice whether financial, legal or otherwise. If you need help in specialist areas, please seek advice from an expert practitioner in the appropriate areas.

Please also notice that links to other websites which may be of value or interest to you are provided. It is the responsibility of the user to make their own informed decision about the accuracy of the information at those sites.

We meet in public venues to share a drink, a walk or a talk. Sometimes we meet online. Sometimes we have special events and we record them.

All events are free of charge.

On this Meetup site, you will find a DISCUSSIONS tab (https://www.meetup.com/Support-Group-for-NT-partners/discussions/) where we can leave requests or feedback.

We also have a private forum. Its details will be sent to you when you join the group (or by request).

Event organisers may send you a private message to follow up on a meeting or to check up on you. You can also use private messages to communicate with event organisers or with one another. This appears as a speech bubble on the top right-hand corner of the page.

In all communications, we kindly request that you are respectful and polite and remain within the goal of our group, which is to support one another in our experiences with a person with autism.

We have a complementary site at https://sites.google.com/view/partners-of-asd-adults/
where you can find previously recorded videos, additional material, and information about further support.

If you want some guidance on how to navigate this Meetup platform, then watch https://youtu.be/FX5dS0_gkxY

See you soon!

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