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New Vegan/Vegetarian Meetup Group for Christians in Sacramento

From: Bethany D.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 10:31 AM

**Please note: This message is intended for any Vegetarian Society members that are also Christian.

We wanted to notify you that we are organizing a new meetup group designed to support and encourage anyone who identifies both as a vegan/vegetarian and follows Christian teaching.

Here is the link on Meetup:

Here is our group description: (I will be posting our first meet-and-greet soon!)

This group is designed to support and encourage those of us desiring to share our plant-based lifestyle as part of our Christian faith, identity and mission: How our lifestyle choices matter toward stewardship of our health, feeding the world, caring for animals, and better managing our environment & resources. Through this group, we can also discuss and plan ways to encourage our faith communities to be more veg-friendly (i.e. church dinners, potlucks, etc.) as well as ways to educate our church families and the greater Sacramento Christian communities about how a plant-based lifestyle supports and reflects the Christian values of compassion, love, and stewardship.

Thank you!

Bethany Davis



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