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Re: [php-49] Phalcon and Laravel

From: Dan M.
Sent on: Thursday, March 21, 2013, 9:42 AM
I've toyed around with Laravel, but not phalcon. Conceptually Laravel makes a lot of sense and the framework is easy to pick up and start using because of that. Not to mention the documentation is pretty good. The fact that it is optimized for 5.3 is cool too. My big gripe with it (and other similar frameworks) has to do with how it handles requests.

In Laravel, you define a list of routes by the url that associates with a function or a map to a corresponding controller. When a request comes in, the framework sequentially loads each route, checking to see if the url in the request matches the defined url route. If there's a match, it calls the function or controller and breaks out, otherwise, it loads the next url route and looks for a match. This sounds incredibly inefficient. Is there a sane reason why you would need to potentially parse through every end point in your site in order to find where the user is trying to go? I feel like it would be way more efficient to just have a standard modification performed on the url, like '/user/profile' translates to the User controller, calling the get_profile() function, and then if that function exists, call it, otherwise redirect to a 404. I believe codeigniter uses a system similar to this.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Rick Baskett <[address removed]> wrote:
Have any of you used both Phalcon and Laravel?

Any thoughts?


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