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Re: [php-49] MailChimp Question

From: Andrew B.
Sent on: Thursday, August 11, 2016, 4:30 PM

It looks like you're using the deprecated json rpc api, but not sure which version or which PHP wrapper... It's been a while but I seem to remember the GROUPINGS key needing both an ID and a name in its values, at least in some versions. I'd check the api docs for the version you're using and see if that's it.

On Aug 11,[masked]:43 PM, "Alfredo Juarez" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey there!

So, I am having an issue with the MailChimp API, and I am wondering if one of you could help me.

Situation is as follows: I have a master list and sub groups. I have the following code:

$options = ['groupings' => [0 => ['id' => 12345']]];

$mcapi->listSubscribe($listID, $post['mc-email'], $options);

When I run this code, it actually subscribes the user to the master list, but not on the sub-group, even though I am supposedly passing the group’s ID.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!

— Alfredo J

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