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Member Showcase Invitation

From: Mike A.
Sent on: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 9:38 AM
To all Seattle Area Photoshop User Group members,

Happy New Year everyone! 2008 was a great year for our group and 2009 looks even better.

As you may know Tuesday, January 20 is our next meeting and it?s a Member Showcase and Networking event. The meeting will start with time to network as we iron-out the last details for the member showcase.

Please email [address removed] if you?re interested in presenting at the next meeting. I?ll send you all the details. The deadline for member submissions is Friday, January 16, 2009. You can present as much or as little as you like. You?re also welcome to hang your work (painter?s tape only) and/or have a table to display your wares.
