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RE: [seakayaking-35] New Meetup: Owens Beach to Docton, Vashon Island

From: Tracy
Sent on: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 7:32 AM
I am very interested. Not sure what the logistics entail but will look further. I live in South Seattle. When I have time I'll look more closely at logistics but it sounds like great fun.
Tracy Bier

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [seakayaking-35] New Meetup: Owens Beach to Docton, Vashon Island
Date: Thu, 26 Aug[masked]:13:21 -0400

Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Sea Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: Owens Beach to Docton, Vashon Island

When: Sunday, August 29,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Owen Beach at Point Defiance
5605 N Owen Beach Rd
Tacoma, WA 98407

Launch from Owen's Beach in Tacoma and paddle on the waning ebb current to Docton, Vashon Island.

This trip involves a 1 mile open water crossing from Pt. Defiance to the south end of Vashon Island.

We will then paddle past the Ferry Dock at Tahlequah into Quartermaster Harbor, and arrive at Docton. This is about an 8 mile trip total one way.

We are only going to paddle one way!!! :-)

I plan to drop off my kayak at Owen's Beach and drive to Docton before hand. I plan to ride my bicycle back across the ferry to Owen's Beach and meet up with everyone for the paddle. That way we will have my van to take everyone back across the ferry to Pt. Defiance for our return trip home, for FREE!

I can accomodate a maximum of 6 kayaks on my van. More is possible if anyone else wants to do the shuttle - bike ride with me.

The benefit to this is that we all get to go to the Quartermaster Inn for post paddle Nosh n' Brew!

Please bring a comfortable change of clothes for the post paddle party!


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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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