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New Meetup: 8/26 - Wednesday Night Magnuson Park Paddle and Self Rescue Practice

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 7:40 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Sea Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: 8/26 - Wednesday Night Magnuson Park Paddle and Self Rescue Practice

When: August 26,[masked]:00 PM

Seattle Raft & Kayak
[masked]nd Ave NE Building 11
Seattle, WA 98115

To make this easier for the Seattle side paddlers we will put in at Seattle Raft & Kayak at Magnuson Park which is just north of Childrens Hostpital. I have a board meeting for a local non profit at 7:15 that evening in a nearby building so this will be a shorter paddle of about an hour or so.

I can bring 6 single and 5 tandem kayaks replete with life jackets and paddles (that means up to 16 of you can borrow one of my boats, others will need to bring their own). We'll go over some safety stuff and then head out for a paddle to get to know each other.

What to bring:
o Prepare to get wet, You might want to bring a towel and change of clothes.
o Water bottle. There's water and restrooms at the park.
o Refreshments and snacks for afterwards
o Your sense of adventure and fun
o Headlamp - for paddling back after dark.

In the RSVP let me know if you need to borrow a boat or if you'll be bringing your own.

So far I am bringing kayaks for the following people - if you need to borrow and don't see your name on the list - add "need to borrow" to your RSVP.

Name Boat
Single Kayaks
Saul Orange Necky
Steve T - NWK Discovery
Alison MacKenzie - ER - red/white
Marcia - white single
Jimmy - Necky Arluk III

Tandem Kayaks
Evangelina - Necky Nootka white
Mike - Necky Nootka white
Jo - Necky Tofino Purple
Sarah - Necky Tofino Purple
Kelly - Necky Tofino Yellow
Nathalie - Necky Tofino Yellow
M - ER - Beluga Tan
Judy- ER - Beluga Tan
Renee - PWS - Yellow
Cesar PWS - Yellow
Judy - NWK - Seascape Yellow
M - NWk - Seascape Yellow

There are Five tandems. If you want to share a boat with someone, please specify with whom you are partnering or that you're looking for a partner in the RSVP comment.

If you decide not to show up, please email me, or change your RSVP or even phone me at least an hour before the launch. No shows for borrowed boats are a headache since that means we delay launch while I drive the empty boat(s) back to my house - can't leave them on the trailer or they may find a new home while we're out paddling, and towing empty boats while I paddle isn't that much fun.

It'll be great to meet all of you and have a fun paddle.



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