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New Meetup: Eastside (Kirkland) Paddle, and self rescue practice & BBQ

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 5:45 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Sea Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: Eastside (Kirkland) Paddle, and self rescue practice & BBQ

When: September 26,[masked]:00 PM

Waverly Beach Park
633 Waverly Way
Kirkland, WA 98033

We haven't had a paddle on the Eastside in a while and I have a company picnic nearby earlier in the day, so it's time to explore the eastside.
We'll go for a 1-2 hour paddle and then head over to Bills for a BBQ (Everyone should bring something for the grill or a dish to share).

With the water still pretty warm, we will also demonstrate self rescues for those of you wanting to do one of the upcoming San Juans trips.

We'll have loaner kayaks replete with life jackets and paddles for about 16 people. I will bump up the RSVP count to allow anyone who is bringing their own kayak to join us. I am cross posting this to three other groups as well. Seattle Outdoor Adventures, Seattle Get Up and Get Out, Human Powered Touring, so if it's full and you want a spot, you can RSVP on one of those.

So far I am bringing kayaks for the following people - if you need to borrow and don't see your name on the list - add "need to borrow" to your RSVP and make sure your RSVP is a "Yes". Here are the boat assignments so far. I did not assign any kayaks to Maybe's. I still have 3 kayaks left, so if you're a maybe and you need to borrow then you need to change your RSVP ASAP. You also need to show up otherwise you can't borrow a boat from me in the future.

Saul - Orange Necky Tesla

Tandem Kayaks
Cesar - White Necky Nootka Tandem
Katerina - White Necky Nootka Tandem
Eric Berlin - Purple Necky Tofino Tandem
VJ's Guest - Purple Necky Tofino Tandem
Cameron - Yellow Necky Tofino Tandem
Nataliya - Yellow Necky Tofino Tandem
Steve T - NWK Seascape Tandem
Jo - NWK Seascape Tandem
Jeremy - Easy Rider - Beluga Tandem
Nathalie - Easy Rider Beluga Tandem
Gustavo Mori - Necky Amuruk Tandem
Chris - Necky Amuruk Tandem
?? - Yellow Tandem
??M- Yellow Tandem
PWS Blue Skookumchuck Triple
PWS Blue Skookumchuck Triple

Single Kayaks
Raj - Necky Arluk III
Emily - NWK - Discover
Jason - white single
Vijay - Red/White Easy Rider
Kelleen Griffith - Concrete
??Karen -Red PWS Sea Otter
Jessica Breznau- Blue Rec
?? Maria - Green/White PWS Single
??Mathew - NWK - Broken Rudder Cadence

Inflatable Kayaks
West Marine - Single
Black diving Tandem

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