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New Meetup: Going Vegan Workshop

From: Rachel
Sent on: Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 2:36 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Veg Happy Hour!

What: Going Vegan Workshop
When: Wednesday, March 30,[masked]:15 PM

Where: room 231 of Thomson Hall
Thomson Hall, University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Not really a "Happy Hour", but I thought folks might be interested...
You know you want to go vegan, but you have all these questions. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just ask them all in one sitting and have knowledgeable and caring vegans give straight-forward answers?
Well you're in luck!

Join Matt and Rachel from 6:15 - 8pm, in room 231 of Thomson Hall on the University of Washington on March 30th. Thomson Hall is located very close to the Student Union Building (HUB).
You know who you are. Yes you. Come on out, hit us with your best questions and we'll hit you with our best answers.
Nutrition, ethics, environment, how to gently explain to grandma that her banana bread isn't vegan... and how to teach her to make it vegan! These workshops are fun, laid back, and informative.

Please RSVP so we know the number of participants to expect!

Check it out!