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$37 Discount Crystal/Stevens/Summit Ski Tickets Now Available to Meetup Group

From: Jim M
Sent on: Monday, November 16, 2009, 8:11 AM
$37 unrestricted, fully transferable lift tickets now availbe to Meetup Members! (very limited offer)

Sold in blocks of 5 ($185 incdes tax). So 10 would cost you $370.
Write Check or provide cash this week. Have by next week ready to hit the slopes!

Only have around 80 and they will go fast. Only accepting checks either at this Tuesday's 7pm meetup meeting @ Wilde Rover Irish Pub (111 Central in dwntwn Kirkland), or if I receive in mail no later than Thursday 19th (my address at bottom). Checks made out to "Faxts Telysis, Inc.", which is corporate name sponsoring this ticket block with SkiWashington. (Sample Tckts at this Tuesday's meetup meeting to view)

For each 5 you buy: (swap with friends or resell, but breakdown is not changable)

  • 2 are good at Crystal Mtn
  • 2 are good at Stevens Pass
  • 1 is good at The Summit
  • All are good at any eastern WA ski resort (Mission Ridge, White Pass, Mt. Spokane, etc...)


Jim Masters here. An Organizer with this ski meetup group. These tickets have been baught by Organizers of this meetup group both this year and in past years.. So this program has lots of people you can meet to verify its authenticity. Plus - Ski has this ticket program offer on its website for corporations to purchase in blocks of $2180 (incl tax) for 60 tickets, with first right of refusal each year.

Below is what I send out each year to previous year's ticket holders, as they always have first right of refusal each year to buy the same # of tickets. I've ran this discounted 40% off lift ticket promotion for 6-7 years now through Ski Washington's Corporate Pass program. Ski Washington is a 6-7 year old organization setup, funded and ran by all WA area ski resorts. All monies raised go to the Ski Area's non-profit organization set up to promote tourism to WA ski areas (see ).

This year my friends and business associates have already bought and received 660 lift tickets for a total this year so far of $24,000+. Because I had to order some additional batches, Ski Washington notified my company I could buy a couple more blocks if interested. So I am offering limited tickets to those who can bring a check to the meetup Tuesday meeting in Kirkland at the Wilde Rover Irish Pub for the # of tickets they want to purchase (sold in lots of 5 tckts @ $185. So 10 tckts would be $370)

The price stayed the same as last year - $37 each (I imagine the ticket window price will likely hit $60+)


Jim Masters, President
Faxts Telysis, Inc. - - - (Make checks out to this name)
[masked] (Cell)
[address removed] (Email)
[masked]th Ave N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 (address to mail chks)

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