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UPDATE: Special Guest Spkr - Nov 17 (Tues) Meeting and Social Eastside Ski/Board Adventure Group

From: Jim M
Sent on: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 10:32 PM
Announcing below UPDATE for Eastside Skiing/boarding adventure group!

What: November Meeting and Social Eastside Ski/Board Adventure Group

When: November 17,[masked]:00 PM

Wilde Rover Irish Pub
Central Way
Kirkland, WA 98033

Come join us for our MONTHLY MEETING and social event at THE WILDE ROVER in Kirkland .
On the agenda...

UPDATE - Special Guest Speaker you won't want to miss!

Larry Schick - long time weather forecaster/meteorologist for King5 TV, NWCN and now the Army Core of Engineers is also in charge of the "Powder Report" emailed to over 8,000 skiers registered for his advice throughout the northwest. If you get on his Powder Alert list, you will receive his detailed updates via email, on upcoming major weather events, where the best snow is going to fall and which days to call in sick and hit the slopes! Last year - Larry spoke to our group and close to 90 members attended.

Don't miss this one - as Larry has some detailed forecast news for the northwest and which places to start planning your winter adventures, based on the forecated El Nino~ year.

All kinds of announcements and deals to be had at this meeting. Don't miss it!

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