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project still seeking actors UPDATE

From: Chili B
Sent on: Saturday, February 9, 2013, 2:09 PM
Unscripted project seeks actors for Kickstarter:

The core of the project is set around the video diary of a Bipolar loner type and will be shot using consumer level products.

Improv skills are a must.

Looking for LEAD-Husky, white, mid 20-30s

Middle aged land lady

Serverely Disabled Niece mid 20s, petite. wheelchair bound, contorted as if with Cerebral Palsy.

Auditions/interviews are TBA.

Right now seeing who might be interested. This is a kickstarter project. Meaning that some parts will be shot soon. then production will be stopped to raise money on kickstarter, and hopefully continue with more funds and resources.

All inquiries should be sent to Jerame Farnum at [address removed] UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE Director is accepting video interviews SAT FEB 09 and SUN FEB 10 using Skype or Google Video Chat. call backs Monday. Skype name is jerame-farnum for more info email [address removed]


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