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April 2013 shows!

From: Ross H.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 5:04 PM

April has some great events coming up!

The Happy Hour Jam Session is this Wednesday, and gives you a chance to play, and returns on the 17th!


This Monday, the 8th, SET will feature the Improv Scramble, where 10 teams play short, focused sets.  That means variety AND value!


Las Vegas Improvisation Players have their Thursday workshops all month, and their monthly show on the 27th!


And several Members of Happy Hour won big at 2012's Fringe Festival.  Head out to see Dick Johnson this weekend one last time before this summer's sequel.


And please give a HUGE thanks to those that keep the community going, especially Amy at Improv-Vegas and the guys at LVIP for keeping this Meet-Up group alive.  Support local theater and improv to show your thanks!

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