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Native American Healing Drumming Circle Ceremony

From: Pearl R.
Sent on: Friday, July 11, 2014, 5:56 PM

Click here to RSVP for this Meetup:

When: Sunday, July 13,[masked]:30 PM

Where: 1480 Royal Palm Beach Blvd Suite C
Royal Palm Beach

 Native American Healing Drumming Circle Ceremony

Sunday July 13th    3:30pm to 5:30pm donations accepted   with Grandfather Rick McBride

We will play Native American style hand drums and rattles as we pray and sing for Global Peace and Personal Healing by drumming up the Spirits of the Land. Great personal healing occurs as the vibrations call the Spirits and wake up our hearts. When we drum, we sometimes say it’s the heart beat of the Earth, the Mother of Creation. And so it makes sense for us to go to Her for healing. Please feel free to join us even if you do not have your own drum or rattle: there will be drums and rattles to share and learn on. Grandfather Rick starts by smudging, and singing the Protection Song; he then calls the Four Directions, which puts us in Ceremony, thereby allowing him to sing the sacred songs in their original Lakota language (no songs are sung in English).

You will also have the opportunity to stand in the middle of the circle and receive a very powerful individual drum healing from Grandfather Rick. You will feel the healing energy coming from his drum as he stands in front of you and drums close to you. While the body is never physically touched, it is touched by the physical vibration, the mental intention, and by the spiritual energy that are channeled through it. Drum healing has little to do with the person handling the drum: it is the Spirits, it is the Earth Mother, it is Creator that passes that healing energy along to the recipient; that steady backbeat of everybody drumming in unison helps do that. Children are welcome to attend (accompanied by a parent) & this event is held indoors and thus not dependent on the weather. For those who have enquired, the reason we say donations accepted rather than charging is because Grandfather Rick honors the traditional Native American ways and never charges for Ceremony. Please note it is traditional for women to wear skirts or dresses to Native American ceremony but not required. *Please arrive promptly; it is very important for everyone to be present at the opening of the Ceremony.

Hispanohablantes siempre estan bienvenidos. Por favor no deje de atender por el tema del idioma. Habran personas atendiendo que hablan ambos Ingles y Espanol.

Rick McBride is mixedblood Tsalagi (Cherokee) who has walked the Red Road for over 30 years. He was named Cante Lute (Schan-tay Lou-tuh) by the spirits through his sundance chief, which means Red Heart. He is a sundancer and has been traditionally trained and authorized to lead ceremonies, such as inipi (purification lodge), prayer with the Canunpah (Pipe), drum healing and so forth. He has been publicly teaching these ways for some ten years now. Workshops and lectures are one way to learn from the wisdom of Indian Country. Ceremony brings this knowledge to life. Combined, teaching and ceremony render practical guidance to everyday living. And so, Rick sees his role as that of "translator" of indigenous ways so that mainstream-educated people get the full benefit of these ways. It has taken him years of dedicated interaction with many Elders, as well as his activities as ceremonial leader to get to this place in his life. For further information, visit his website:

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