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Free Dance Sat Feb 18th 2-4 PM

From: Randy T.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 8, 2012, 3:12 PM

VOLUNTEER SWING DANCERS WANTED - Please RSVP - Promote Swing Dancing in Tampa Bay

 Free Indoor Dancing - Linoleum Floor - Dance from 2-4 PM

Saturday February 18th - Meet at 1:30 PM

* A community-wide family event. Arts - Crafts - Entertainment *
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
All proceeds to benefit Indian Rocks Volunteer Fireman's Assoc., local ministries and charitable organizations.

  We've been invited to entertain and promote swing dancing in the Parish Hall from 2:00-4:00 PM. Spend the afternoon visiting the many vendor booths and pack your dancing shoes. There will be two mini lessons and lots of dancing. Spread the joy of swing dancing!

Please RSVP to Arleene Norman at  [address removed]

Calvary Episcopal Church 1615 1st St, Indian Rocks Beach, FL[masked]

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