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What we’re about

Hello friends! What a pleasure it has been meeting up with many of you as fellow "relocators" to the St. Pete/Tampa Bay area - thank you to those who have met up so far, and for those who continue to support and interact with the group!

Check out some of these fun Meetup Groups:
Random Fun Stuff I Want To Do On a Short Notice Club – a very active group with all kinds of Random Fun Stuff to do with awesome people!

Do you like cycling and bike tours (local and traveling)? Check out these groups:
Tampa Bay Cycling
Fun Bike Trips

Do you like all kinds of outdoor fun? Then check out Outdoor Fun Adventures

Christy’s Thirsty Beer Rides, LLC
check us out: Christy's Thirsty Beer Rides, LLC.

If you're more into INTRAPERSONAL and INTERPERSONAL growth, check out these groups:

**Guided Marriage Book Club with World Record Author Applicant-**Are you looking for a way to improve your relationship or marriage? Look no further! Join our expert reveal book club and gain access to over 200 trusted experts, concepts, theories, and methods condensed into short, easy-to-read pages. My book is designed in textbook style and is like a cram course! This is the ultimate guide to managing complex relationships and marriages.

This is a group where quality conscious singles can MEET, mingle, & IMPROVE!! We're an open-minded, non-judgmental group of positive singles looking to improve our relationship/communication skills so we can become the best possible version of ourselves. BRAND NEW GROUP!

WELCOME TO "Up-level Your Love" Life--> and learn how to co-create happy, HEALTHY relationships filled with more PLAY, LOVE, and INTIMACY [whether you're currently in a relationship or not]! Relationships are complicated! ANY relationship can be joyful and painful. Heartbreaks happen. Relationships with friends, co-workers, family, AND romantic relationships all have overlap... annnnnnnnd YOU ARE THE COMMON DENOMINATOR. We need to look at ourselves first. Don't you want relationships that ADD to your life instead of stress you out? YES! Then it is time to UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE, communication, and relationship skills! BRAND NEW GROUP!

Emotional Intelligence Tampa
Uplevel your emotional intelligence quotient [EQ] for improvements in all areas of your life: family, romantic, work, friends, etc. JUST GETTING THIS GROUP GOING AGAIN :)

Ladies Connect! 😃
Let's escape work and cheer each other on, creating a safe space to be ourselves and share our lives💙 as we try to encourage and support each other through life's ups and downs.

Tampa Self-help Book Club-
This Meetup is for readers of self-help books who would like to get together with others to discuss the books and support each other in our quests for healthier lives.