What we’re about
- What our group is about:
ADHD can be rough, especially in a place that doesn't have a lot of support resources available!
Hi. I'm Matt. I have ADHD, and sometimes I struggle because of it. I've searched Bangkok for ADHD support, and there isn't much out there. So I'm looking to fix that in my own small way.
- What we'll do at our events:
Come hang out online via ZOOM, and share your ADHD (mis)adventures, ups, downs, resources and support in a 100% supportive, and safe environment.
- Who should join our group:
Anyone who has ADHD, thinks they might, or is curious about it.
- Dues or fees:
This is a free meeting.
- This group is not affiliated with any business, or organization.
More Info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XIYhMGu32pEp8g0F4gQUgSHknHTB2sftlMfhKI_pjNE/edit?usp=sharing
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/6589481014?pwd=cHdYdU82cTF0R3BOdG9vRVpyZXFQdz09
Meeting ID: 658 948 1014
Passcode: 3hVQuk