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What we’re about

Welcome to all exploring souls!

The purpose of this Meetup group is to provide a warm, friendly meeting place for people to explore, share, and discuss spiritual ideas and experiences.
Do you have spiritual questions? Would you like to find some answers?

You know that the answers you seek do exist somewhere in the world. This inner force that pushes you to find the answers is an urge you have no control over.....It is the Call of Soul.

Learn to go inside yourself because this is the source of all truth. There are a lot of holy temples out here, but the most sacred of all is the temple inside you because this is where you meet with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God.

The GOLDEN KEY is HU: Connect with the Divine by singing HU.
HU is an ancient name for God. It is also a love song to God. All that we do with the word HU (rhymes with you) is to sing it with reverence. It represents the love of God for Soul, and we are Soul. HU represents the enormous love that the Creator has for Its creation.

HU can be sung by anyone, whether Buddhist, Christian, Hindu or any other religion. It isn't meant to change your religion. HU will enhance it.

Are you ready to experience the HU? Would you like to participate in a warm, relaxed spiritual discussion to share spiritual experiences and the search for some answers?
Then come and join us for our next Miracles in Your Life, Sound of Soul Event.
Begin enjoying the many benefits of singing HU, the Sound of Soul.

The Spiritual Experiences Group of Thailand is sponsored by Eckankar Thailand. Eckankar is the Path of Spiritual Freedom.
For more information about our group, and Miracles in Your Life, Sound of Soul events, contact us at:

Upcoming events (2)

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