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Barcade, Expo, and Prototyping in September

From: Paxton
Sent on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 2:43 PM

Hello Game Developers of Central Ohio! I have a couple announcements about the meetups and things happening in September:

Firstly - The 16-Bit Bar+Arcade is open as of 4pm TODAY. I will not be there for the grand opening but we do have a meetup scheduled for next Saturday, September 7th, at 5pm. You can get directions from our meetup site or from

Second - The Ohio Game Dev Expo is only two weeks away! If you plan on attending the talks/panels go grab your early bird tickets by tomorrow at Bring everyone you can to play games and celebrate the spectacular work that is being done here in Ohio.

Third - On Friday, September 27th we will be having our very first Prototype & Play meetup at 7pm at our usual location at the Tech DEC. This is a great opportunity to get your games played by other developers, and for you to see what is in the works for your peers! Come prepared to give feedback and eat some food. A meetup reminder should be sent out soon for people to sign up.

Lastly - I was sent an email from an organizer of the Everywhere Else Conference being held in Cincinnati at the end of this month. If anyone is/would like to go to that conference you can use the code GDC20 to get 20% off admission. If someone would like an official meetup reminder I can schedule that too. For more info on the EEConf you can go to

September is going to be a crazy awesome month, I can't wait to see how the Ohio Game Dev Expo plays out. I'll see each of you at these events, feel free to ask questions or submit suggestions for future meetups.

Good luck, and have fun!
~Seth Paxton

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