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Become a TORC Member (and you could win a new Salsa!)

From: Bryan E.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 30, 2017, 9:14 PM

Did ya know that being a member of the Meetup is not the same as being a member of TORC? When you become a member of IMBA (the International Mountain Bike Association), and choose TORC as your local chapter, a portion of your dues come right back to us to help build and maintain trails right here in the Triangle.

If you're not an IMBA/TORC member yet, now is the perfect time to become one. IMBA's Membership Drive is wrapping up, and you've got just over a day to get a chance to win a Salsa Ti Timberjack (the campaign ends on May 31st).  If you missed your chance to win the Niner's last month, this could be your redemption!

Follow the link below, and make sure you choose Triangle Off-Road Cyclists as your chapter. And if you're currently a member, you can sign up and it will be added to the end of your membership.


See you on the trails!
Bryan Engle, TORC Membership Chair