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Grubumuz hakkında

Expect good movies, conversation, drinks, and atmosphere at Eclectic Movie Club screenings!

Every Sunday (and sometimes Tuesdays), one member brings three movies for those present to choose between. The movies fit into a theme, which we'll announce in the title of that week's event. We will screen the trailers and vote starting around 6:45-6:50, then start the movie by 7pm. We start around this time so we can stay at Gecko to chat afterward. (From 9:30 pm on, the bar hosts live music.)

If you'd like to host one Sunday, drop one of the group admins a message! (These are Tony, Tanja, Bill G., Steven B., and Alexis.) We're always interested in exploring any sort of film you might want to show us. You can pick any theme that your fancy. Some recent themes include "How the World Really Works" (Snowden, The Century of the Self, and We are Many), "Great Second Movies" (Rushmore, The Graduate, and Alien), "Scarlett Johansson" (Lost in Translation, Lucy, and Her).

The bar does not charge us admissions, but we *strongly encourage* you to order a drink or dinner at Gecko, as they very graciously host us. And of course feel free to stay for the music after the film ends!

If you have any questions, or would like to host, please contact one of the admins.

Thanks, and look forward to seeing you.

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