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The return of Salsa & Latin Dance Nights to Coquitlam; Sat Sep 21 at Evergreen.

From: Alberto G.
Sent on: Thursday, September 19, 2013, 2:24 PM


This weekend the most attended Salsa event in the Lower Mainland:
Salsa & Latin Dance Nights is back to Coquitlam on Saturday September 21.

We are offering a trendy & spicy dance evening with Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Cha-cha...
...and complimentary dance lesson with $10 cover. Come and bring your friends to have a good time!
Dance, practice your moves or show off, have fun, celebrate, socialize, enjoy the spicy
atmosphere to Salsa & Latin music.
See you at the dance floor!

Coquitlam: Saturday September 21
Returning the most popular dance nights in Tri-City and the Lower Mainland!

Hot Salsa Dance Zone presents... SALSA & LATIN DANCE NIGHTS. Returning to Coquitlam on Saturday September 21, 2013 at EVERGREEN CULTURAL CENTRE, Coquitlam. Party twice on the first & third Saturday of the month. Dance and have a great time: Featuring dance class at 7:30 pm & Dance party featuring Salsa & Latin mix with Hot Salsa Dance Zone. Cover $10 at the door. Free parking & Licensed. Visit

Visit our event on Meetup:
or visit website
or directly in our
Events page.

Thank you and see you all at the dance floor.


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