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Donate to My Relay For Life Team & Enter For Spot In A Free CS5 Class With Joseph Lowery

From: Mollie V.
Sent on: Monday, June 7, 2010, 3:16 PM
Hi Everyone,
As some of you may know, I do Relay For Life every year. This incredible fundraiser for the American Cancer Society is an amazing event, and a great opportunity to help raise funds for the fight against cancer. This year, I've partnered with eSyncTraining and Girls in Tech Los Angeles to offer a really cool promotion for everyone who donates to my team. You can read all the details here, but basically, if you donate $20 or more before midnight on Friday June 11 (PST), you will be entered to win a free spot in eSyncTraining's upcoming CS5 course with the author of the Dreamweaver CS5 Bible, Joseph Lowery.?

The course usually costs $1195, so it's a great value. And, a fantastic opportunity to do something good and enter to win something really great. All you have to do is click the donate button here, give $20 or more and throw in a shout-out to Girls in Tech LA and eSyncTraining. The winner will be chosen randomly in a drawing on the 12th and notified that day. All donations go directly to the American Cancer Society to help them continue their fight against cancer, and their support of all those currently dealing with the disease.

Please pass this on to any of your interested friends - the more the merrier - and thanks in advance for your time and your help. I really appreciate it!

Mollie Vandor

Mollie Vandor
Product Manager |
Media Director | Girls in Tech LA
@mollierosev | [address removed]