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Fwd: Join us at H+ Summit: Rise Of The Citizen-Scientist, Harvard, June[masked]

From: Amy L.
Sent on: Monday, June 7, 2010, 3:18 PM
Hey you technology lovers,

Here is another one you maybe interested. If east coast is too far to reach, we will be live streaming all the talks. If you have friends at East Coast who maybe interested in emerging technology to expand human capacity, let them know and we will love to see them there! 

Shameless plug: I will also be speaking about UX and Tech Transfer, alongside with these very famous technologists and inventors. :) (got to go out and promote more of our UX community. :)

Two discount code. discount of 20% of the admission price, which you can claim by registering using thediscount code FRIENDSOFHPLUS. (Full time students with valid Student ID get 50% off using discount code STUDENTDISCOUNT.)

Cheers, feels good to be back temporally and breathe a little after buried by work for the past two months. 

Amy :)


Amy Li
UX Creative Director
UX :: Web :: Flash :: SEO  ||


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Humanity+ <[address removed]>
Date: Thu, May 20, 2010 at 7:10 AM
Subject: Join us at H+ Summit: Rise Of The Citizen-Scientist
To: Amy Li

H+ Summit

Dear Friend of Humanity+,

we're writing to invite you to join us at the H+ Summit: Rise of the Citizen-Scientist at Harvard University Science Center, Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just north of Boston. Over 50 speakers, authors and experts on areas of science and technology that will be of critical importance to the next twenty years, will present their latest information.

These speakers include Ray Kurzweil, Stephen Wolfram, Aubrey De Grey, Andrew Hessel, and Nolan Bushnell. Our H+ Summit speakers have in aggregate centuries of experience looking into the future, and they are getting ready to share it with you and anyone else who can make trip to Cambridge.

To express our gratitude for your support toward Humanity+ in the past, we want to extend you a discount of 20% of the admission price, which you can claim by registering using the discount code FRIENDSOFHPLUS. (Full time students with valid Student ID get 50% off using discount code STUDENTDISCOUNT.) But hurry up, as ticket prices are tiered, and they will be going up the closer you get to the event!

2010 is shaping up to be a great year for Humanity+, starting with the election by our members of a new board and of a new chairman, David Orban. This June 12 and 13 we hope that you will be able to join us for a rare yet precious opportunity to meet Humanity+ leaders and members face to face at the H+ Summit. You can learn more about the event reading the articles at h+ Magazine: Humanity+ Conference Brings Citizen Scientists (and Ray Kurzweil) To Harvard, and Citizen-Scientist Joseph Jackson and the New Open Source. Here are three immediate action-items for you:

1. Tell your friends, and colleagues, so that you can share with them one of the coolest weekends of the year.

2. Post links to H+ Summit on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or other social media outlets.

3. Volunteer to help us make the H+ Summit successful.

We think that with our event-filled schedule attendees of the H+ Summit will make new friends and new brain cells, create happy memories, grow smarter, and fill up the creative gas tanks with enough ideas and insights to add useful perspective to the next twenty years. If an science-based economic boom is about to happen, you will learn how to ride the best opportunities. In short, we think attending the H+ Summit will make every attendee more healthy, wealthy, long-lived, and wise. If the Singularity is near, you'll be ready for it!

As Dr. Mathew Ridley wrote in his just published book, The Rational Optimist: "The modern world is a history of ideas meeting, mixing, mating and mutating. And the reason that economic growth has accelerated so in the past two centuries is down to the fact that ideas have been mixing more than ever before."

We agree with Dr. Ridley, know that H+ Summit will have the maximum mixing of powerful ideas, and invite you and your friends to register, and to come mix things up with some of the smartest people in the world.

See you soon at H+ Summit!

Alex Lightman

Executive Director, Humanity+

Chairman, H+ Summit

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Amy Li
UX Creative Director
UX :: Web :: Flash :: SEO  ||
