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Version Control of UX Deliverables

From: Thomas D.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 3, 2013, 3:55 PM

Been reading a lot about Lean practices. Highly recommend this book to anyone interested in getting a better understanding of Lean practices within an organization. Reminiscent of  Goldblatt's The Goal (Another great one). The Book is called The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win. 

One of the takeaways is that it mentions all inputs into a digital product should be in an SVN or version control system. 

I've never kept my artifacts (i.e. wireframes) in SVN, in my experience that has only been for code, but was wondering if perhaps others have. Usually I'll just use Save As and add ...v1 to my file name and save the file locally on my computer. I'll then add that file to a shared repository where others can access it. 

Am I in the stone ages with this flow?


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