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LAUX Meetup Newsletter - Late August 2015

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 3:05 PM

In this edition of the LAUX Meetup Newsletter:

- SoCal UX Camp 2015 Recap
- Content Strategy Meetup
- Pasadena Friday Morning Coffee
- DTLA Coffee Mixer
- Axure Bootcamp
- Intermediate JS Workshops
- Design Strategy Bootcamp with Matthew Manos
- DTLA UX Peer to Peer
- Digital Design & Web Innovation Summit
- And more (scroll below)!


We had a fun and successful 3rd annual SoCalUX Camp with our partners in OCUX Meetup group a few weekends ago. Approximately 250 people including UX Designers, Product Managers, and Front End developers filled the CSUF Garden Grove campus auditorium in the photo above. Special thanks to all the sponsors including Cal State University Fullerton, Blizzard, Vitamin T, The Creative Group, Optimal Workshop, The Omi Group, Axure, 24 Seven, TechJobsLA, Hubert’s Lemonade, Outsource International, Rakuten, ProDesk Space, Rosenfeld, and O’Reilly for their support. And of course our awesome community volunteers! (We apologize in advance for missing anyone!)


Watch the keynote video with Jaime Levy on “What the Hell is UX Strategy?”:

EVENTS AROUND TOWN Content Strategy for Mobile: A Case Study | Free

Tomorrow night! In this presentation, award-winning Content Strategist Debbie Fellman shares her real-world experiences with migrating a major web presence onto a successful mobile platform.

Thursday, August 27, 2015, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

EpicSpaces Co-Working, 680 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 180, Pasadena, CA

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Friday Morning Coffee at Cross Campus in Pasadena: Learn to Make Products that People Actually Want with Jamie Levy | Free

Jaime Levy is an author, college professor and User Experience consultant based in South Pasadena. Her book UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want was just published by O’Reilly Media (June, 2015).

Jaime heads a consultancy called JLR Interactive that caters to startups and enterprises, helping them transform their business concepts into innovative and scalable online solutions. She also teaches a graduate level UX design and strategy course at the University of Southern California (USC).

Friday, August 28, 2015, 8:30 AM to 9:45 AM

Cross Campus Pasadena, 85 N. Raymond Ave, Pasadena

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Alternately on Friday, if you’re on the west side (closer to) or already in DTLA, join us for the coffee mixer at Robert Half Technology on the 26th floor in Downtown Los Angeles.

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Axure Prototyping Two-Day Bootcamp | $500

You've seen Axure in tons of ads for UX positions. You've heard it helps some of the best designers to craft world-class experiences, down to the micro-interactions. It's time to learn Axure, and learn it right.

Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 9:00 AM - Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 5:00 PM

OPODZ, 362 East 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA

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JavaScript Workshops (for UX Unicorns) - Intermediate Class this Saturday!

So you’re a mythical UX designer who knows HTML and CSS and wants to dive more into JavaScript to learn how to build and prototype apps, join us! Special thanks to Vitamin T and Blankspaces for their sponsorship!

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Matthew Manos Photo

Design Strategy Bootcamp with Matthew Manos | $100

In this workshop, you’ll get hands-on experience with various problem-finding methods as you get introduced to cutting-edge design strategy practices. You’ll learn how to quickly get to the root of a problem and develop empathy-building skills that will help you effectively collaborate on and complete your projects.

Matthew Manos is an artist, strategist, and author interested in experimental economies and conditional systems for creative inquiry. He is the Founder of verynice, a design, strategy, and foresight consultancy that gives half of its work away for free to non-profit organizations. Matthew is also a board member of AIGA Los Angeles.

Saturday, August 29, 2015, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
1617 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Santa Monica, CA

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Downtown UX Study Group & Peer Mentorship| Free

Tuesday, September 8, 2015, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

BLANKSPACES DTLA, 529 S Broadway, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CA

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Digital Design & Web Innovation Summit | Discount Code

SAVE THE DATE - September 10 & 11, Los Angeles

This summit connects you with high-level digital designers at some major corporations, all set to explore key themes of user experience, multi-platform design, responsive web, mobile & more.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Director, UX Design, Disney

  • UX and Design Leader, eBay

  • Director, UX Design, LinkedIn

  • Creative Director, The Washington Post

  • Director, UX & Design, Yahoo

  • & many more…

20% off two-day passes with the discount promo code ‘LAUX20’

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Peer-to-Peer Design Reviews + UX Office Hours with I.K. Olomu | Free

The Peer-to-Peer UX Design Reviews & Teamwork Night takes place one the first Monday of each month at 7pm sharp at BLANKSPACES SANTA MONICA. Please come planning to help your UX peers by contributing to the review session. We will be reviewing each-other's' work, providing helpful feedback and have an open discussion of the evening at the end for a peer-driven conversation about  emerging UX developments and concerns.

Monday, September 14, 2015, 7:00 PM

BLANKSPACES SANTA MONICA,[masked]nd St., Santa Monica, CA

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JibJab presents USA TODAY talkingtechLIVE with Chris Sacca | $20

Watch legendary tech investor Chris Sacca in a live recording of USA TODAY tech columnist Jefferson Graham's no. 1 ranked TalkingTech podcast at JibJab's studio in Marina del Rey.

Wed Sep 23,[masked]:30pm – 8:30pm

JibJab Bros. Studios - 4121 Redwood Avenue - Marina del Rey, CA

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CORE 2.0 Advanced UX Strategy | $1,799.00

Advanced Strategy is focused on the practical application of The Skool's facilitated strategy process. It will be focused on applying CORE to Sales and Marketing, Team Management, Branding and UX. Whether you are new to CORE or already using it this will be an invaluable weekend.

Friday, October 2, 2015 at 9:00 AM - Sunday, October 4, 2015 at 4:00 PM

Santa Monica , CA

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Featured Podcasts, Webcasts, Videos and More

Evenings at the Loft | YouTube Channel

Check out the YouTube channel for Evenings at the Loft. These monthly design thinking gatherings feature talks from a wide range of design-adjacent disciplines.

O’Reilly Design Webcasts

Learn from UX experts for free with these design-focused webcasts.

UX Discovery Session… by Gerard Dolan

Each UX Discovery Session podcast is an opportunity to learn about a relevant topic, generate ideas that expand a new technique or practice, or brainstorm concepts and ideas for the next new thing.

AIGA Los Angeles | Design Events

Looking for more UX gatherings and educational opportunities? Check out the upcoming AIGA Los Angeles events.

Axure RP 8 Beta Released | Available for Download

The Axure RP 8 Beta is now available to existing customers. The new version features the new the pen tool for drawing custom shapes and the snapshot widget for flow diagrams and documentation. The Beta also includes new animations and the ability to host team projects on Axure Share.


Want to provide content like this and sponsor a future community event or this newsletter? Contact us at [address removed]


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