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Would you like to give a lightning talk?

From: Mariana M.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 9:33 PM

Hi there! :)

Call for lightning talks
We've got one slot for a lightning talk (5-10min) at next week's event (btw, it will be a really good talk - sign up if you haven't yet).
Let us know if you'd like to do a lightning talk next week or at a future event.
We encourage new speakers!

Call for pitches
It's also worth mentioning that at the end of the talks, there is an opportunity to give a 1-min pitch. If you want to announce anything (maybe you're recruiting, looking for a job, or want to advertise a new event or a new project), you can do a 1-min pitch at the event. No need to submit your pitch in advance. At the end of the talk, we'll invite pitches.

& UX Oxford team

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