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New Meetup: A Seminar on Contemporary Chinese Literature and Culture

From: Gerrie
Sent on: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 5:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Vancouver Mandarin Chinese Meetup Group!

What: A Seminar on Contemporary Chinese Literature and Culture

When: Tuesday, September 21,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Dear all,

The Confucius Institute at BCIT and the Chinese-Canadian Literature Society are co-organizing a seminar on modern Chinese literature and culture. The speaker, Shu Yi, is the son of Lao She who is one of the most influential contemporary writers in modern Chinese history. Mr Shu is also a famous writer and is currently the president of the Chinese Contemporary Literature Society in China. People who are interested in contemporary Chinese literature will find this seminar interesting. The details of the seminar:

Date: Tuesday, Sept 21st, 2010
Time:7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Room 280 in BCIT downtown building (Confucius Institute at BCIT[masked] Seymour Street, Vancouver)
Fees: free
Language: Mandarin (Sorry no official simultaneous interpretation)

There is a Chinese version of the news release. Only the people who respond "yes" will be emailed a copy.

I am looking forward to seeing you in the seminar.

Gerrie Ying
Curriculum Developer
Confucius Institute at BCIT
[masked] Seymour Street, Vancouver
BC V6B 3H6 Canada

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