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Need you at Ringling this weekend.

From: Raaaaaaaaaaa!
Sent on: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 9:24 PM
 As the pressure has been on ringing for some years now they are clearly showing signs of desperation lastly and we, especially the animals, need your support in Rutherford NJ this weekend. If you have been to a demonstration you will know the great impact we have, if you haven't been it is surely a most impressive way to quickly see what a difference you can make.. Parents and children are EXTREMELY receptive and are just unaware of what they were supporting with their dollars.. Please come out we could surely use all the great people there to bring clarity to this issue..[masked]/

Sat Mar 21

10am, 2pm, 5:30

 Sunday Mar 22nd 12pm and 3:30pm

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