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Meetup details changed: Plant Based Kitchen Cooking School - Themed: Plant Based Ferments

From: Kelley W.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 1, 2015, 6:06 PM

Come join us for our themed cooking class in the Plant Based Kitchen Cooking School where we will be featuring Healthy Living (vegan/plant based) “cook with me” cooking classes. If you have ever wanted to know more about living a healthy lifestyle or just are curious about plant based recipes, then these classes are for you. We will be featuring basics and themed “cook with me” cooking classes featuring recipes that you have always wanted to try along with learning safe knife skills.

Plant Based Ferments: Culinary Art in a Jar with Guest Chef: Cynthia (Thia) Farris

Thia Farris is a passionate plant based Fermentista, Nutritionist, and Gut Microbiome Advocate. She leverages the transformative value of lacto-fermentation to heal herself, and the community, both human and canine. When she’s not creating in her fermentation lab or hiking with her dogs, she’s educating, inspiring and supporting women to greater joy through health. 

Class Description: Join us as we learn to enhance the nutrient, probiotic, and digestive qualities of your fall harvest. In this ancient and simple process, you’ll increase the yumminess factor and uniqueness of your culinary creations. We’ll explore simple science, safety, and sure fire techniques for success of this transformative art which just happens to promote health within your body. 


Demo & Sample: Naked Kraut, American Kimchi, and Rosemary Carrot Sticks 

Sample: Lemon-Ginger Kraut and Juniper Berry Onion Kraut

Hands On: Green Kraut ala You -- you’ll make your own kraut to take home using green cabbage, a prebiotic and spice of your choice

What to bring: a small cooler to transport your 8 oz. ferment

The cost for the themed classes are $30.00 per person.

Space is limited with only 12 seats per class. Please register at Share Denver to permanently hold your spot.

We look forward to seeing you in this exciting class and other classes that we offer.

Chef Kelley, Chef Julie, Thia and Nutritionist Jerry Casados

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Saturday, September 5,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Share Denver
2829 Fairfax Street
Denver, CO

RSVP limit: 12 "Yes" RSVPs

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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