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Book Club

From: Susan
Sent on: Sunday, April 25, 2010, 9:20 PM
Hey guys!!

I'm going to be helping Julie set up the book club, so I just wanted to get the first email out there. ?The idea is to read about the issue and become more informed. ?The DC SMS book club usually has the authors of the books come and speak. ?Eventually this is what we would like to do, but we will have to get our numbers up to make it worthwhile for the speakers. ?

First and foremost, I'd like to know how many people would like to be involved. ?In terms of scheduling, I was thinking we could meet every two months. ?Some of the material is very difficult, given the nature of the subject, and I want to be able to give people a break in between books. ?Please let me know what your schedules are and what days of the week and times are most convenient, that way we can schedule it so as to give everyone the opportunity to come.

Lastly, I welcome ideas regarding which books we will read. ?If you guys have any suggestions or particular books you are interested in, I would be more than happy to add them to our list. ?After all, this group is meant to help us all learn and grow in the fight against human trafficking. ?Julie and I discussed starting with Kevin Bales' book The Slave Next Door. ?It gets into slavery in our own country, which I think is a good place to start. ?Here is a link to Bales' website where you can get a description of the book and purchase it as well.

Please get back to me as soon as you can so that we can get the ball rolling. ?I will send out another email with more details as soon as I have all the information. ?I'm really excited about this group and look forward to meeting with you all!


Susan Goebel
[address removed]

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