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Re: [vocalists-151] Recommendations for Northshore Open Mics?

From: Kat
Sent on: Monday, November 29, 2010, 11:39 PM
Hmm, I was the host of both UG Open Mics for 4.5 years, and ran it all last year. (I left in January of this year)

Anyway,  I thought I was pretty fair to both old and young talent - at least to pick the top 3 or 4 or 5 performers for the night, then I let the audience pick after that. For what it is worth, the last HUGE pot we gave away was my last open mic finals in January of this year - and we gave away a total of $3000 in cash. $2000 of that was from my own pocket - because I love and support local musicians...

If you don't believe me, stop by my new open mic at Uptown Lounge - each and every Monday night. 3-4 songs and we took the contest out of it. Oh and if you perform, you get a free drink. (Which means it is 21+)

Check it out at for details and address.

I guess I always liked to think I left a positive impression on the musicians of Chicago, and if that was not the case with you Dean, then I do apologize if for any reason you felt like it was unfair - I never meant it to be..

Kat Fitzgerald

On 11/29/[masked]:28 PM, Dean Milano wrote:
I did the Uncommon Ground open mic on Clark last year and yes, it's definitely a younger crowd. But they were very polite and listened to this old guy (me) wheezing out his tune. So if you're a young person, this is your place.
There's not much chance us old folks are going to win the "pot" however, so you end up throwing money in and not much chance of winning it back.
It's more a a popularity contest than a matter of the best of the best actually winning, although a lot of the performers are very good, even though they're young. LOL!
Dean Milano
[address removed]

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