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Several things actually!

From: michele
Sent on: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 12:23 AM
Dear Wanderlusters!

I have very much enjoyed conversing with several of you re the possibilities of the cruise to Cancun. The idea really, is to enjoy a long laid back weekend with an unbeatable all inclusive price tag... I have never taken a cruise, usually opting for the flight that will get me there in the least amount of time.... but I have listened to many rave about the road and not the destination.

Hence the cruise does seem to be the perfect solution... We enjoy good company and the rich opportunities of a ship of that magnitude... We contain our cost- the economy cannot contain true wanderlusters... We can explore, relax, enjoy, within boundaries.

Nothing is cast in stone. Mike Nahat, our Cruisemeister, has researched options as a result of some of your questions.

First and foremost, we cruise AFTER Hurricane Season. Big deal. Not to be overlooked.

Please cruise on over to the Poll section of this site, and go on ahead. Make our day! Take the polls!!!! Please. We are a flexible sort of group and we do understand the economy.

Link to the Carnival details...

What say ye to a gathering ? Would you prefer a meal? a cocktail format? a coffee?

We have a number of interested parties from other meetups as well, but at this time, if you could indicate your level of interest by taking the polls and replying yea or nay on the site, that would be most helpful. Please and thank you!

Also created a Message Board for traveling companions-- Please use !!!

All for now. Please let me know your thoughts.....


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