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RE: [downtowndenverdachshunds] please help! Need a good dachsie vet

From: Leigh S.
Sent on: Monday, April 6, 2009, 8:02 AM
 I had the same problem with my older dachshund Skittles.  I took her to my vet who are really awsome and really good price.  The first time this happened they put her on pain killers and muscle relaxers and it seemed to work really good.  You can give them a call their number is[masked] Albrick veterinery clinic is the name.
Hope this helps and good luck,
Leigh Sallani 

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [downtowndenverdachshunds] please help! Need a good dachsie vet
Date: Mon, 6 Apr[masked]:57:58 -0400

good morning,

My little Josephine hurt her back and I need to take her to a vet this morning. Can anyone reccomend a good vet in the Denver area that has experience with Dachsie back problems?

Thanks in advance everyone!


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