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5 Free tix to How To Empower Entrepreneurs By Owning Your Market with Jason Nazar

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, August 12, 2013, 8:31 AM

Hi 106'ers,

Our good friends at Tech Coast Venture Network (TCVN) are hosting Jason Nazar at their August event. The first 5 people to email Ash Kumra at [address removed] get in for free.

How To Empower Entrepreneurs By Owning Your Market

Learn from one of Southern California’s most successful consumer internet entrepreneurs, Jason Nazar/Co-Founder & CEO DocStoc, on how to innovate and become a market leader. Jason will also discuss how to build a thriving ecosystem and share his experiences helping build the infamous “Silicon Beach” into one of the most desired hubs for entrepreneurs and investors alike.

If you’re an entrepreneur, service provider, student and investor; this conversation will make you better at it!

We will also feature our monthly elevator pitch contest where the winner will get a $100 cash prize and a paid entry to our November 8th 2013 Survivor event!

Otherwise, you can also register here. . .

See you there.

our best,

The 106 Miles Crew




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