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New Meetup: Let's watch some football!

From: Sara
Sent on: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 11:20 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for 30 Something Friends Group!

What: Let's watch some football!

When: Sunday, October 17,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Papa G's Sports Bar & Grill
8247 Rufe Snow Dr.
Watauga, TX 76148

I just love fall and football! Let's get together and watch some games. Three games kick off at 3:05. NYJ @ DEN, OAK @ SF, DAL @ MIN. Pappa G's has a bunch of TV's and try to play all the games. If you don't like football come out and enjoy the food and laughs. I will be there w/my Denver Broncos jersey on! Feel free to come and go during this time. It's just a hang out type of event. Let's do it!

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