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Re: [ARNY-Augmented-Reality-New-York] Seeking Unpaid Internships at NY Tech Company for Talented & High functioning Asperger's High School Students

From: Roman Fichman E.
Sent on: Monday, August 19, 2013, 2:48 PM
This is not a directly related to augment reality but since the issue of unpaid interns was raised, I wanted to bring every one's attention to the fact that unless an intern is getting school credit for their internship, generally speaking, there is no such thing as an unpaid intern.

All uncredited internships have to pay at least minimum wage subject to overtime if working more than 40 hours a week. The NYS Dept of Labor has been fairly aggressive in pursuing companies for such misclassifications. It also opens the door to claims by the interns for back wages and penalties.

Finally, keep in mind that interns, too, should sign NDAs, IP assignment agreements and other employment type docs before beginning their assignment.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq.  │ @TheLegalist
(212) 337 - 9837 Tel
(415) 347 - 5356 Tel
(212) 842 - 5311 Fax
"From Start-Up to Exit"

Start-Ups * Technology, Internet & New Media * IP & Business Law * Funding * M & A * Due Diligence

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