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Come out Friday

From: Eric J. E.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 3:35 PM
We hope to see everyone out at the Varsity for the get together and shoot Friday.

Remember this though:
* The Varsity welcomes all.
* They are really cool about letting people take pictures as long as you are not in the way of them doing business too.
* This is not an organized event, it's free but there is no babysitter, we have not rented a room, we don't have any leader per-se, Eric our fearless leader prefers to actually shoot rather than host this event.
* All levels of skill are welcome, you'll learn by watching and discussing with pros about what they are doing kind of informal learning...
* Models should come ready to be photographed and not try to use the Varsity bathroom to change clothes
* This is just an informal meeting of photographers and models in a really cool Atlanta landmark. Let's just mash-up and have some family friendly fun!

Hope to see everyone there!

ATLphotoMeetup Staff

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